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100 posts since April, 2016!
posted this in: General, Personal, Ramblings
172 Words

My sister and her partner have been on a weekend getaway and I’ve been at home working and looking after Panko.

During such a time I’ve been pretty busy and Panko has been stuck amusing himself and moping outside my home office.

Poor baby, he’s brought a stick in and munched it while I was in my office, and he fell asleep 🙁

The guilt has finally hit me and I’m going to clean up my office so that Panko can hang out with me and chill in my home office. This means I’ll need to clean up all the computer bits, cable manage everything and make sure the room is doggo safe for him to chill in with me. I won’t proof it tot the point that he has free entry but if I’m in the office (I usually am) he can come in and chill too so he doesn’t let his anxiety get the better of him.

The things I do for this dog.