A quarter century into the new millennium!

A start to the year that was full of cleaning, fun, and dinner with my beloved family.
2024 was a whirlwind of a year – I moved house (again!), I finished the year no longer a bachelor, and I even managed to get in a trip to Japan 🙂
The year has truly been something else – and I’ve managed to “solidify” the technology side of life at present, even with this blog maintaining its uptime finally!
2024 definitely ended on a more positive note than 2023 did; and I’m excited to see what happens going forward this year in 2025 🙂
This post was from after the move to the new house, and at the start of 2024 – at this point I had not recovered the 2023 posts to the blog from the old server that was no longer plugged in. This has since been restored, but I’ve included the post here for full context anyway!
We start the year with some technical issues!
I’ve had some migration problems with moving my sites and servers around from my old house to my new house, and as such, I’ve lost most of the 2023 entries! 😢
The highlight of the year was my Japan 2023 trip in May with everyone, so I’ll try and put up at least the photos to keep things going 🙂
For now at least, the site is once again working, and online!