Past Entries...

100 posts since April, 2016!
posted this in: General, Ramblings
153 Words

It’s been an entire year since mum passed, that I didn’t update this blog. I kind of let things fall by the way-side, and to be honest – looking back with some hindsight, the last 3 years had been the toughest of my life. It had been utter chaos looking after my mum with failing health, juggling duties at work and a personal life that had been imploding (an ex who had issues and we just toxically made each other way worse for it).

So I’ve relaunched this blog onto

This is a personal blog to just float some ideas out there. It’s more to keep track of things that interest me. I should’ve started this at the start of the year, but things got away from me. So the promise as I start this, is that I update it at least once a day.

We’ll see how that goes, heh.