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100 posts since April, 2016!
posted this in: Personal, Ramblings
426 Words

Recently, it dawned on me that it’s only been 3 months into 2018, where I started a shiny new career at a shiny new company; and in those 12 weeks, approximately half of that time has been spent:

  • launching a brand new software platform where the original complement of developers have completely up and left, without any documentation being left behind
  • done deep code exploration and software archaeology trying to solve bugs and improve this platform which has been launched
  • design and reimplement new processes for the (brand new) software dev team
  • get situated with everything in the new company

It’s been completely pedal-to-the-metal non-stop and I absolutely love it. However, in such a short time I certainly feel like I’ve been here for a year at least already coding away on everything.

All during this, I’ve endured some online drama with my favourite MMO, and the guild I started with a partner, who’s since gone separate ways – and I’ve been caught up trying to keep it rolling, while also keeping up with some of the latest games and what I’ve been doing in all my other personal projects.

It’s a super interesting challenge to realise that whilst I’ve started prioritising my career and work more so than my gaming adventures and attempts at starting a gaming business (I’ve wrapped up things with and Multiplayer United is on the back-burner for now), things are overwhelming for anything outside of my day-to-day job.

It feels like a natural progression now that Project: Cloud Citizen is well underway (see my prior blog posts) that I should look into how I manage the rest of my digital adventures. Namely, what I do in Gaming.

To be honest, I have a tendency to lose my place of where I was up to in Games that I play – and I lose interest the more ‘lost’ I feel with games. Probably just old age catching up with me 😛

Nevertheless, to solve that issue, I’ve created The Gaming Adventures Trello Board a kind of to-do list of things to achieve in a variety of games.

The hope is that I get the most of out my gaming – and actually achieve something in the games. There’s zero pressure on any of the outcomes in that Trello board, it’s more a tool to help me remember whatever I was last doing in gaming.

We’ll see over the coming weeks whether or not keeping such a list helps as a valid timeline of what I’m doing in gaming or not.