Past Entries...

100 posts since April, 2016!
posted this in: Events, Gaming
243 Words


For the past half decade I’ve burned through my financial resources, time, energy and even health working towards running and building a gaming community. Learning scraps of everything I needed to get by on and then having to relearn things to master them. It’s been one heck of a journey.

This blog is my personal thoughts and feelings only as I build my gaming community; and it’s my way of recording this great adventure.

On March 19th this year, I managed to execute the first BYOC event of our gaming community brand, – we had spent the past 5 years as Multiplayer United (and still continue to use this name to help other communities) but it came to a head with this new brand, and this new concept.

eSports Gamers

Community Gamers

Quirky Competitions

Incredible Modders

Loads of swag and prizes

It all came together; and as we near the approach of our next event – we face more challenges. Fixing the (hopefully mostly unnoticed) mistakes of the first event, improving our event’s features, and on a personal level of obsession that’s now infamous on our team – our online platform to support the burgeoning community.

As this blog continues, I hope you guys will enjoy the insight, efforts and lengths which the talented people I’m blessed to both work with and call my friends at go to, in order to deliver an amazing gaming experience in Sydney, Australia.