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100 posts since April, 2016!
posted this in: Hardware, Servers, Software, Technology
238 Words

Local media storage. Yeah.

That’s right, I’m running Windows 10 Pro for a home server 😂

It’s been good so far, the machine is pretty old, but it is there for running things like local media storage, maybe a few other things that aren’t GPU reliant. It has an ancient PCIe 1x GPU in it (a GT 610 haha) that can’t really do anything more than let me remote in and work on the PC.

Although I do definitely want to run:

  • Core Keeper
  • V Rising

On the PC for friends and family to check out 🙂

Storage is a bit interesting; I forked out for StableBit Drive Pool and StableBit Scanner (there’s a bundle you can get) and it’s a simple GUI to just click +add to expand my storage drive with whatever randomly sized hard drives I have.

Why’d I do this instead of the usual zfs or linux based solution?

Mostly to keep my options open; it’s nice seeing a GUI and if Windows can handle my needs for my local network, I’m not doing anything extremely complicated, and the “server” it’s on is going to act as a staging ground for anything pre-gdrive archive.

I could just as (probably more) easily achieve the same results doing this over something like Ubuntu Server; except for the game servers mentioned above. There are some games that just require a Windows host much better, so this is what this machine is for.