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100 posts since April, 2016!
posted this in: Servers, Software, Technology
217 Words

With the implementation of my JT-LAB homelab; it stands to reason I should probably self-host whatever I can to try and get a decent use out of the stupid amount of money I’ve poured into the project. Being able to ensure I’m only sharing the data that I want to share as well (for whatever reason) – is pretty important to me as well.

Normally, the majority of my code to-date, has been stored on Github (which is fine, it’s fantastic and it’s an amazing free resource for the world). But my workplace had an implementation of Gitlab that I thought was done pretty well.

So, I’m going to take it upon myself to implement GitLab into JT-LAB, and make sure there is a version of my work that runs from GitLab. Github will essentially become my backup for code (Github being way more reliable in uptime than anything I’d run like GitLab etc.)

Why is this so important?

GitLab is going to work as my core repository and project management system; with it, I’ll be able to store and update my code for various projects as previously mentioned

What’s the challenge?

Well, after some wrestling it’s implemented – however the one area that I’m most unsure with, is the AutoDevOps feature of GitLab.

Lots to learn!