So, in a previous post about Project Cloud Citizen, I mentioned that I was possibly going to use my iPad with an iOS specific mouse. Enter, the Citrix X1 mouse, and the Jump Desktop App!
I’ve literally had the mouse for about 10 minutes, and it’s working a treat through Jump Desktop; it feels a little weird, but seems to be tracking fine. I’m actually stunned at how usable it is!
Sadly, all the gaming sync’d issues with the Dex Pad that I reported having, also seem to be mimicked with the iPad, Citrix X1 and Jump Desktop. There’s a small bit of hope however — certain game styles do work with the setup. Things like DIablo 3, Torchlight 2, etc. Games that don’t require constant, active input from something like the WASD control setup do work very nicely.
So there’s some middle ground there, I think my expectations overall, are too high for something like iPad cloud streaming for games right now; and that’s ok. Having things work on the iPad, within a self-contained little unit, with phenomenal battery life, and usability – perfectly matches my desire to be fully mobile, while also matching my desire to not carry something around that’s as heavy as a laptop, at least for the time being.
Too many Compromises
While there’s some games that work – really, the iPad works as a decent laptop replacement when I use it to remote into my Windows systems, with minimal disruption. Sadly, it’s not going to let me remote in and play games. All my other bits of productivity, would remain unaffected, and at the end of the day, that’s pretty important.
So end of the day, the iPad, combined with the Citrix X1 mouse does make the best laptop replacement – with instant on, superior battery life; I won’t ever really be without abilities for productivity. I just can’t really expect to play amazing games with only my mouse.
It’ll still be in my Every Day Carry
With a combination of PLEX, Netflix, Jump Desktop, and the Pencil/Citrix X1/Smart Keyboard combo, my iPad becomes a suitable, extremely lightweight laptop replacement. The instant-on, and insane battery life, give it a pretty awesome advantage. The size is still reasonably large enough that I can get work and media consumption on it done, and still handle it comfortably in one hand.